“Who is rescuing whom and why?” is a short animation about the current efforts by the eurozone states to stabilize their economies and the European internal market in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2009.
The film shows how the economic and employment crises which succeeded the financial turmoil have had an impact on the budgets of the eurozone states; how as a result of various stabilization measures public debt has soared in all of the eurozone states; and what this indebtedness means for the common currency.
With this animation the Europe Programme of the Bertelsmann Stiftung would like to make a contribution to the debate about the need for common EU economic policymaking. Above all we would like to remind you of “The story so far . . .”
The film and the spoken text may be downloaded free of charge. If you find “Who is rescuing whom and why?” interesting and useful, please tell other people about it. Comments and queries should be sent to contact@fortunatelyunified.eu.
European Central Bank: www.ecb.int
International Monetary Fund: www.imf.org
Bank for International Settlements: www.bis.org
German Federal Statistical Office: www.destatis.de
European Commission (Eurostat): www.epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu
Federal Chancellery of Germany: www.bundeskanzlerin.de
Bertelsmann Stiftung - Europe
Animation - Download ( .mov 45.5MB zip )
Speaker text - Download ( .pdf 127KB )
Europe in Dialogue - Download
Spotlight Europe - Download
Joachim Fritz-Vannahme
Isabell Hoffmann
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256
33311 Gütersloh
Email: contact@fortunatelyunified.eu
Web: www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de
Lucid Berlin
Niederbarnimstraße 10
10247 Berlin
“Who is rescuing whom and why?” is a short animation about the current efforts by the eurozone states to stabilize their economies and the European internal market in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2009.
The film shows how the economic and employment crises which succeeded the financial turmoil have had an impact on the budgets of the eurozone states; how as a result of various stabilization measures public debt has soared in all of the eurozone states; and what this indebtedness means for the common currency. With this animation the Europe Programme of the Bertelsmann Stiftung would like to make a contribution to the debate about the need for common EU economic policymaking. Above all we would like to remind you of “The story so far . . .”
The film and the spoken text may be downloaded free of charge. If you find “Who is rescuing whom and why?” interesting and useful, please tell other people about it. Comments and queries should be sent to contact@fortunatelyunified.eu.
“Who is rescuing whom and why?” is a short animation about the current efforts by the eurozone states to stabilize their economies and the European internal market in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2009.
The film shows how the economic and employment crises which succeeded the financial turmoil have had an impact on the budgets of the eurozone states; how as a result of various stabilization measures public debt has soared in all of the eurozone states; and what this indebtedness means for the common currency.
With this animation the Europe Programme of the Bertelsmann Stiftung would like to make a contribution to the debate about the need for common EU economic policymaking.
Above all we would like to remind you of “The story so far...” The film and the spoken text may be downloaded free of charge. If you find “Who is rescuing whom and why?” interesting and useful, please tell other people about it. Comments and queries should be sent to contact@fortunatelyunified.eu.
European Central Bank:
International Monetary Fund:
Bank for International Settlements:
German Federal Statistical Office:
European Commission (Eurostat):
Federal Chancellery of Germany: